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Reliable & Comprehensive Roofing Company in Volusia, Flagler & Seminole Counties

Three Generations of Exceptional Roofing Services

For more than 40 years, WKL Roofing has made safe, durable, and beautiful roofs for homes and businesses with our exceptional roof repairs in Flagler, Volusia & Seminole counties roofing services. We’re a family-owned and operated roofing company on our third generation of superior services for residential and commercial properties. Our team takes care and devotes their full attention to our customers from the first contact to when their projects are completed. From minor to significant repairs, total replacements, complete restorations, and beyond, we provide the tools, knowledge, and commitment needed for the perfect roofing service. Our seasoned technicians remain devoted to fulfilling roof services the right way.

Roof Restoration
Roof Repairs
Roof Replacement
installation of skylight

We Never Cut Corners. Plain & Simple.

When we say we get the job done the right way, we mean it. How do we back this promise up? We use our own crews for roofing projects without sub-contractor interference. We’re a single point of contact from start to finish. Our teams are fully licensed, trained, and covered by insurance. Our coverage includes workers’ compensation, auto insurance, and general liability to keep you and your property safe. As a drug-free workplace, we hold our technicians to the highest standards and expect nothing less than excellence. Our roofing professionals undergo continuous and rigorous professional development and safety training. Earning your trust and keeping the ones you care about secure are among our top priorities.

roof being pressure washed

Your Roof Matters Here

A roof is essential to keeping your property safe and functional. Unfortunately, it may sustain lots of damage over its lifespan. If you notice visible signs of destruction or your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, our team would love to provide an inspection and check on your roof’s condition. We are thorough and dedicated, and we provide the most critical information regarding your roof’s condition. We’ll make sensible and beneficial recommendations based on what we find and develop a plan to restore your roof.

Get in Touch

Corporate Office

1281 N US Hwy 1
Ormond Beach, FL 32174


Fax: 386-274-1094

Licensed & Insured
License # CCC#132-7557